We can ship anywhere in the world, and for 2024 we have partnered with an international shipping carrier service in order to provide best-in-class, efficient methods to get our product to your door, where ever you may live.
How it works
First off, if your country is not listed, please contact us here to request your country in our destination options.
Add your item to cart like usual; in the Checkout process, our software will give you real-time options to prepay your duties / tariffs and fees so that you are not surprised with added fees once the item is at your door*.
To repeat, our software allows you to purchase "duties pre-paid" (DDP in the shipping world). This encapsulates the DDP and the carrier fee together.
Our shipping partner will then choose the most efficient, proficient and fastest way to get the item to you.
How fast does my item ship?
Our international shipping partner picks up from our warehouse once per week. Please allow 5-7 days before your item leaves our warehouse. Your item will most-likely leave our warehouse much sooner, but we ask that you allow for 5-7 days at most.
* While our software does an outstanding job with a DDP delivery process, some countries may still require additional fees. These fees are your responsibility.
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